Never Used Large Mid Century Brutalist Pierced Clip Earrings Modernist Scandinavian


From an old mid century jeweler estate this is a mint, never used condition pair of large heavy gold plated brutalist pierced earrings with both post and clip levers to secure the posts. They are very well made and have a beautiful mid century Scandinavian/American modernist brutalist sticks design which was prevalent in the 1970s. Size is large at 1.25″ across in any direction. The heavy gold plate has absolutely no wear and these are still on their original card! Gorgeous showy example of mid century brutalist earrings for your vintage jewelry collection.

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Never Used Large Mid Century Brutalist Pierced Clip Earrings Modernist Scandinavian – From an old mid century jeweler estate this is a mint, never used condition pair of large heavy gold plated brutalist pierced earrings with both post and clip levers to secure the posts. They are very well made and have a beautiful mid century Scandinavian/American modernist brutalist sticks design which was prevalent in the 1970s. Size is large at 1.25″ across in any direction. The heavy gold plate has absolutely no wear and these are still on their original card! Gorgeous showy example of mid century brutalist earrings for your vintage jewelry collection.